

5 Reasons Checkmate Uses Microsoft Power BI

5 Reasons Checkmate Uses Microsoft Power BI


Power BI (or Power Business Intelligence) is Microsoft’s data visualization tool that allows Checkmate to provide our clients with beautiful, intuitive and interactive reporting dashboards. It’s the software that allows us to take our clients’ huge quantities of data and display it in a way that is meaningful, digestible and enables them to understand precisely what is happening on the shop floor.

So, why Power BI? Here are 5 reasons why Checkmate chooses Power BI, and perhaps, why you should too.

1. No version numbers

Gone are the days of emailing large report files with confusing version numbers! Power BI reports are stored in the cloud on our website, so you always know where to find them. These reports also update every 3 hours to reflect the most recent data, thereby giving you the most accurate representation of what’s going on in your business.

2. Completely customisable

Power BI reports can be customised with a multitude of different charts, graph, tables and other tools to help you understand your data quickly and easily. Microsoft has really outdone themselves with some of Power BI’s advanced reporting visualisation options, such as their artificial intelligence image recognition feature.

3. Data sources and safety

Power BI accepts a very large range of data sources, allowing you to import data from all major data warehouses as well as Excel, PDF and other files.

So, even if you are happy with your enterprise management software, Checkmate can still build beautiful user-friendly reports from data captured through other mediums. All you need to do is provide us with a .xlsx or .csv file and we can use our Premium Power BI membership to get you fully customised easy-to-understand reports.

Plus, your data is stored safely in the cloud when processed by Power BI, so you don’t need to worry about any documents going missing!

(Iseminger et al.)

4. It gets better everyday

Power BI is on a continuous release cycle, meaning that new improvements are consistently released to ensure that you are viewing your business’ data with the best possible technology and processing.

4. Because they do.

Here is a list of some industry world-leaders who use Power BI for their data processing and reporting needs.
1. SAB (AB Inbev)
2. Standard Bank
3. BP
4. Coca-Cola
5. Johnson Controls

These are large, multi-facility companies that use the best to be the best. Get in touch with us at https://checkmate.co.za/contact-us/ to join them!


Chinchilla, Jose. “Getting Started With Power BI: Data Analysis Made Easy | Agilethought”. Agilethought, 2021, https://agilethought.com/blogs/getting-started-with-power-bi/. Accessed 19 Aug 2021.
“Featuredcustomers”. Featuredcustomers.Com, 2021, https://www.featuredcustomers.com/vendor/microsoft-power-bi/customers. Accessed 20 Aug 2021.
Iseminger, David et al. “Data Sources In Power BI Desktop – Power BI”. Docs.Microsoft.Com, 2021, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/connect-data/desktop-data-sources.


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